This is where I show that I’m really not a DBA. I’m an Accidental DBA at best, and a nuisance at worst. SQL Server already has the capability to be installed via command line parameters or a configuration file. If I setup the machine the same way every single time, this would be fine, but since I need to change the placement of certain file types, I need to have the ability to change on the fly.
Setup SQL Disks
Yesterday, I wrote about how I setup SQL Servers Virtual Machines using PowerShell and PowerCLI. Now that I’ve got the SQL Server imaged, it’s time to format the disks and prep the Page File. Let’s dig in.
SQL Server on VM’s in my Lab
I’m trying to automate as much as possible in my lab and part of that is building SQL Servers. I’ve taken to trying to scripting this out. For me, that involves using PowerShell to build out this machine.
SolarWinds Database on SQL Server for Linux
This post is some of my experiences with getting the SolarWinds Orion database running on a SQL Server hosted on a Linux-native system.