PowerShell Modules can be Painful

Building a PowerShell module should not be too hard. In fact, on the surface it’s pretty simple. Collect a bunch of functions, classes, enumerations, (whatever else you want), bundle them together and provide a wrapper in the form of a PSD1/PSM file. Building a module should be straightforward – and it is – except when you make dumb mistakes. Don’t make my mistakes.

Building my Orion Server [Scripting Edition] – Step 3.1

Let’s forget all about my previous step 3. For the sake of argument, step 3 is dead, long live step 3.1!  Any script should be a living, breathing document which gets updated as needed.  In this case, it was needed.  Why would I burn such a good script to the ground?  Well, to be blunt, I’ve found a better way to do this, with better ultimate performance.

If you need a refresher on the previous steps, I have Step 1 for Hyper-V, Step 1 for VMware, and Step 2.

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Rapid Build for Testing Containers

Containers are everywhere and I’m, personally, behind the times.  I’d like to think that I’ve kept up with new technology trends, but on containers I was caught napping.  So now it’s time to really get cracking and for that I need to have a playground.  There are several online options available, but I’m cheap, so … Read more