Testing NetFlow with Ubiquiti
Finally, I can get that NetFlow goodness from my Ubiquiti Dream Machine I’ve always wanted.
Adding my own 2¢ to the PowerShell & Technology Communities
Finally, I can get that NetFlow goodness from my Ubiquiti Dream Machine I’ve always wanted.
theTVDb updated their API and I had to rewrite some code but neglected to post. I’m making up for that now.
Since purchasing my home in the Baltimore area, I’ve been struggling with one thing: not being redundant enough. If you are from an IT background, you know what I mean. Each server is powered by one PSU to house power. The other PSU connects to a UPS. Your uplinks to your IDFs are port-channeled and … Read more
Building a PowerShell module should not be too hard. In fact, on the surface it’s pretty simple. Collect a bunch of functions, classes, enumerations, (whatever else you want), bundle them together and provide a wrapper in the form of a PSD1/PSM file. Building a module should be straightforward – and it is – except when you make dumb mistakes. Don’t make my mistakes.
I’m trying to get better about using the new versions of PowerShell (7.x) instead of Windows PowerShell (5.x), but I find that I forget to install it on some machines. To make that easier, I wrote myself a script (in PowerShell) to install PowerShell. I know – don’t judge me. This is the script. Sadly, … Read more
Building a PowerShell Module from scratch is a daunting task, but I’ll try to describe how I started this as a solo endeavor.
Just stashing this here in prep for a larger article. As written the above will install the utilities in C:\UTILS. However, some workstations may block these types of installs. In that event, I’ve added a flag ($IsMachine) which can be flipped to False and install in the current user’s profile.
I just needed a place to stash this and my GitHub didn’t seem appropriate. I make no guarantees that this will work and it’s only been tested on one system so far. I added the -Unique flag to the end of the download URL detection as indicated in a below message. (Again, nice catch!)
What to do with an unused truck box? I know! Make a prep station for grilling.