<################################################################################################################################# File: Move-SolarWindsLogs.ps1 Author: Kevin M. Sparenberg (https://thwack.solarwinds.com/people/KMSigma/) Date: 2016-02-25 Summary: Move the SolarWinds Application Logs to a different drive (optimized for sequential write) Purpose: This script will check for all of the Configuration & Diagnostic Files in the SolarWinds Common and Application Directories. If they are found, it will alter the files to point the logs to a different location (as defined by the NewSwLogPath variable) It maintains a single backup of the original files (..orig) in case there is need to revert. If it makes any updates, it stops and then starts all the currently running SolarWinds Services. Caveats: This script must be run as an Administrator. Not all logs can be moved. Some are "fixed" in place. Reverting: If you need to revert, a snippet is included at the end to copy the original files back to their original names. This snippet will also need to be run as an Administrator #################################################################################################################################> #region Define Variables $NewLogPath = 'F:\SolarWinds\Logs\' # Configuration File Regex for Match & Replace $ConfMatch = '