Building my Orion Server [Scripting Edition] – Step 3.1

Let’s forget all about my previous step 3. For the sake of argument, step 3 is dead, long live step 3.1!  Any script should be a living, breathing document which gets updated as needed.  In this case, it was needed.  Why would I burn such a good script to the ground?  Well, to be blunt, I’ve found a better way to do this, with better ultimate performance.

If you need a refresher on the previous steps, I have Step 1 for Hyper-V, Step 1 for VMware, and Step 2.

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Rapid Build for Testing Containers

Containers are everywhere and I’m, personally, behind the times.  I’d like to think that I’ve kept up with new technology trends, but on containers I was caught napping.  So now it’s time to really get cracking and for that I need to have a playground.  There are several online options available, but I’m cheap, so … Read more

Tech Conference Survival Guide: Conference

The first “C” of the Tech Conference Survival Guide is Climate where I explained how to prepare for the summer season and technology conferences in climates maybe outside your comfort zones. The next “C” on our agenda is Conference. This is where I’ll talk about how to survive the conference itself. With so much coming up this year at VMworld, you need to plan in advance.

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